Through London ***with track, voice and video***

May 5, 2019 § Leave a comment

Yesterday (Saturday) saw me restarting along the Thames Path at Putney. There was a biting easterly wind, amplified wherever there were tall buildings for it to meet, for instance all those blocks of luxury executive apartments that now are such a Thames-side pestilence.

I headed ever further along the path, dodging the crowds of tourists wherever possible and eventually reaching the Millennium Bridge. I then crossed the river and headed into the City. This is where a part of my family comes from.

I wanted two photographs, of Wren churches. One of these had to be St Paul’s of course. The other was St Mary Somerset, of which only the tower remains. The contrast is extreme: the one still dominates the City skyline, the other is tucked in among new glass-fronted buildings. Both however have that same unmistakeable style and confidence.

I crossed through the City into Whitechapel, then out along the Mile End Road and the Bow Road. Finally I cut through to finish at the station at Hackney Wick.

I was glad to get back to Surbiton. It was a long cold day with long hard footpaths.

St Paul’s

St Mary Somerset

Putney to Hackney Wick

A voice recording made at the start of the day can be downloaded at:

A video of geese in the churchyard of St Mary’s, Battersea, can be downloaded at:

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