That was very much better! ***with track and voice***

April 29, 2019 § Leave a comment

The Garmin behaved itself perfectly all day, well almost. No problem with missing waypoints, so navigation was painless. The only strange thing was that the elevations are certainly not kosher – that is unless I’ve been walking along on the sea floor. Yes, the Garmin has been giving me negative elevation values.

The first part of the walk today is best overlooked: road work out to Tangmere, then over the A27 to Boxgrove. Things started to pick up after that. First there was the almost imperceptible rise in the land, then the wonderful Priory Church on the edge of Boxgrove village, then the vineyard, then the footpaths, then the ever-growing quietness.

Eventually I reached Stane Street. I’d been expecting something that was at least road like, albeit 2000 years ago road like. What I found was simply a track winding uphill, barely wide enough for one person. A sort of intimate Roman road. It widened later, becoming a proper raised road, then led me up onto the downland. Super walking. Memories of the Side-to-Side.

The day finished with a pot of tea in Houghton, then the last kilometre along the South Downs Way to the station at Amberley.

Boxgrove, Priory Church

The cedar, Boxgrove

The stained glass window

The vaulting

Boxgrove, Priory Church

The first part of Stane Street

Chichester to Amberley

A voice recording made outside the church at Boxgrove can be downloaded at:

Voice recordings made in the woods on Stane Street can be downloaded at:


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